KEY: Reception, Year 1, Year 2, All
British Values:
What the value means:
What it is like in our school:
To understand:
and respect the democratic process
how they can influence in decision making
how to argue and defend a view point
the importance of team work
- We have a discussion about what we already know and what we would like to learn.
- We choose the theme of the role play area.
- We bring all year one classes together to perform an annual Year one production.
- We use hot seating in role play, where we argue points of views of characters from stories.
- We participate in Teddy Bear Olympics.
- We participate in Year 2 Mini Olympics as a team.
- We complete a Year 2 questionnaire to voice our opinions about the school.
- We audition for school productions.
- We vote for our class cube jar rewards.

- We vote for our class School Council representatives.
- We decide on class rules together (in addition to school rules and lunch time code)
- We discuss our ideas in teams.
The Rule of Law
Ability to recognise the difference between right and wrong and apply this to their own lives
Ability to accept responsibility for their behaviour
To understand the consequences of their behaviour and actions
Ability to resolve conflicts effectively
Understand how they can contribute positively to the lives of those living and working in the locality and society more widely
To understand that living under the rule of law protects them and is essential for their well-being and safety
We follow rules: rainbow chart, school rules and lunch time code.
We celebrate a class Star of the Week!
We know how to act appropriately and use behaviour charts to reinforce this.
We learn how to share and take turns.
We talk to each other to resolve disagreements and conflicts.
We take responsibility to keep ourselves safe on the computer (e-safety).
We collect money to make a positive impact on others: Harvest, Poppy, charity events and sponsored event days.
We participate in the May Fayre enterprise week.
Visits from people in the community.
We pick up our own litter after a lunch time picnic.
Individual Liberty
We know what to do to get on the ‘Super Smiley face’ to receive a sticker (going beyond expectations of being thoughtful and kind)
We take responsibility to ensure lights are turned off in each classroom at playtime-looking after our environment.
We can choose to participate in extra curriculum activities.
We are role models to the other pupils in school.
We have lots of responsibilities in Year 2 – such as snack, light and music helper.
We each have a class helper.
We understand that the amount of Golden Time we receive is relative to our behaviour.
We change our own reading books.
We look after ourselves and our belongings by washing our hands, zipping up our own coats etc.
We follow safety and behaviour rules during school trips. Representing our school to the best of our ability.
Mutual Respect & tolerance of those with different faiths and belief
Reflective about their own beliefs, religious or otherwise that inform their interest in and respect for different people’s faiths, feelings and values
Reflective about their own experiences
Interest in investigating and offering reasoned views about moral and ethical issues and being able to understand and appreciate the viewpoints of others
Use a range of social skills in different contexts, including working and socialising with pupils from different religions, ethic and socioeconomic backgrounds
Participate in a variety of communities and social settings, co-operating well with others
Understanding and appreciation of the range of different cultures within school and further afield as an essential element of their preparation for life in modern Britain
Understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity as shown by their tolerance and attitudes
We ask parents to contribute to their child’s learning journey.
We learn through our Core values about respect and tolerance.
We have many signs and displays about many cultures, special events and religions.

We invite parents in to share their culture.
We celebrate other the religions and languages of other children in our class.
We participate in an International week.
We have visited temples, churches and other religious buildings.
We listen to many interesting stories about other people during Religious Education, Personal, Social, Health and Emotional lessons and assemblies.
We plan to celebrate festivals and mark special days from the world around us.
We learn about animals, trees and natural features that are native to Britain – we are proud of what we see around us.
We listen to music from around the world.