Parents' Area
Here you will find answers to some of the commonly asked questions. We hope you find what you are looking for. If you need more information, please contact the school office:
Tel: 01245 352742 email:
Non-Pupil Days for 2024-2025
Monday, 2nd September.
Monday, 6th January.
Friday, 14th February.
Tuesday, 22nd April.
Friday, 20th June.
Non-Pupil Days for 2025-2026
Monday, 1st September.
Friday, 13th February.
Monday, 13th April.
Friday, 12th June Monday 20th July
For school term dates see attachments below.
School Closures
Any emergency school closures, for example due to heavy snow, will be notified by text and email to those parents who have signed up to ParentMail. It will also be posted on our website and the Essex County Council website Information will also be announced on local radio stations and be available on their websites. Please do not ring the school office as if the school is closed, staff will be unavailable to take calls.