RSHE Subject Lead
At Moulsham Infant School, we believe the RSHE prepares our children for the real life challenges that they will face now and throughout their later lives. We consider Relationships, Sex and Health Education to be important for our pupils and our school because it promotes the ability to reflect on their own needs and to celebrate their uniqueness. We want to empower them to make informed decisions about their wellbeing (both mentally and physically), whilst also being considerate to others. We strive to give our children the nurture and tools needed to communicate, reflect and become resilient people. At Moulsham Infant School, we want our children to express themselves freely, feel validated and heard.
Although a RSHE lesson will be taught as an explicit lesson in the class, at Moulsham, we firmly believe that it is not just what is taught in the lesson that is important. In order for our pupils to grow and learn life skills: spiritually, morally, culturally, mentally and physically; our growth mind-set ethos will be evident within the whole school for all lessons. We pride ourselves on being role models to the children; encouraging children to ask themselves enquiry questions to enable them to be reflective thinkers.
These are our main aims for all pupils:
- Develop character skills to support healthy and safe relationships.
- Developing skills to form positive beliefs, values and attitudes.
- Develop their vocabulary and emotional literacy to enable them to talk about and manage their feelings.
- Understand the fact every human being is unique and has the right to be respected.
- Develop a level of tolerance and understanding and empathy- without losing their own values of who they are and what they feel and believe.
- Understand choices that they can make to keep a healthy body and mind.
At Moulsham, we are very aware that our intended RSHE curriculum may vary in response to emerging issues and to reflect the rapidly changing world in which our pupils are living and learning.
Peer Massage and a story about feelings.